Friday, March 31, 2017



Paper shedder                                                                              541-808-7376
Iron removal system,                                                                  541-347-7185
Victory pride scooter,                                                                 541-294-7269
Chevy S10 pu,                                                                             541-396-2599
2 hens, 1 rooster, dvd movies, Dana 60 gear rear-end, carb,      541-294-6854
Gold dredge, Chevy roller rockers, mag wheels, Chevy intake 541-294-6854
Jump rope, lantern, bike helmet, paper shedder,                        541-271-1885
5-new 950 printer cartages,                                                         541-290-8860
Nursing books, western tapes, stainless steel double sink          541-572-0729
NEED sinker molds,                                                                   541-297-4655
NEED someone to do yard work                                                541-269-3956
1996 Chevy short bed,                                                                541-808-0898
Mobil home for sale,                                                                   541-530-7984
FREE lumber,                                                                             541-404-4003
½ area lot off Oliver Barber, restored farm all cub tractor,        541-290-9940
NEW 6x8 Green house                                                               541-266-0528
NEED Adult pads, old blankets,                                                 541-266-0547
2005 F250 extra cab,                                                                  541-396-4104
NEED lying hens                                                                        541-435-4866
Washer, dryer, electric chain saw, recliner                                 541-294-6253
NEED someone hydraulics                                                         541-260-0862
Grass hay,                                                                                   541-269-9665
Electric cart,                                                                                541-297-4101
FREE 3x4’ garden window, 23 hp engine,                                 541-347-3891
Seattle Seahawk golf bag, creedal,                                             541-396-5173
50hp boat motor,                                                                         541-297-2904
Tires & wheels 10x16.5 from Ford pu,                                      541-756-2940
Aluminum Jet boat with motor & trailer, 1987 Samurai,           541-366-1121
Lot in Scottsburg on the river                                                     541-999-5126

Thursday, March 30, 2017



1996 Chevy short bed,                                                                541-808-0898
16’ garage door, 1873 Baronet, telescope, dehumidifier,           541-808-7376
Mobil home for sale,                                                                   541-530-7984
FREE lumber,                                                                             541-404-4003
2 hens, 1 rooster, dvd movies, Dana 60 gear rear-end, carb,      541-294-6854
Gold dredge, Chevy roller rockers, mag wheels, Chevy intake 541-294-6854
Nursing books, western tapes, stainless steel double sink          541-572-0729
½ area lot off Oliver Barber, restored farm all cub tractor,        541-290-9940
NEW 6x8 Green house                                                               541-266-0528
NEED Adult pads, old blankets,                                                 541-266-0547
2005 F250 extra cab,                                                                  541-396-4104
NEED lying hens                                                                        541-435-4866
Washer, dryer, electric chain saw, recliner                                 541-294-6253
NEED someone hydraulics                                                         541-260-0862
Iron removal system,                                                                  541-347-7185
Chevy S10 pu,                                                                             541-396-2599
Grass hay,                                                                                   541-269-9665
303 British brass, reloading brass, reloading dies                      541-808-2858
Electric cart,                                                                                541-297-4101
FREE 3x4’ garden window, 23 hp engine,                                 541-347-3891
Seattle Seahawk golf bag, creedal,                                             541-396-5173
50hp boat motor,                                                                         541-297-2904
Tires & wheels 10x16.5 from Ford pu,                                      541-756-2940
Aluminum Jet boat with motor & trailer, 1987 Samurai,           541-366-1121
Lot in Scottsburg on the river                                                     541-999-5126

Wednesday, March 29, 2017



16’ garage door, 1873 Baronet, telescope, dehumidifier,           541-808-7376
2 hens, 1 rooster, dvd movies, Dana 60 gear rear-end, carb,      541-294-6854
Gold dredge,                                                                               541-294-6854
Washer & dryer, electric chain saw, recliner                              541-294-6253
½ area lot off Oliver Barber, restored farm all cub tractor,        541-290-9940
NEED someone hydraulics                                                         541-260-0862
Iron removal system,                                                                  541-347-7185
Nursing books, western tapes, stainless steel double sink          541-572-0729
Chevy S10 pu,                                                                             541-396-2599
Grass hay,                                                                                   541-269-9665
303 British brass, reloading brass, reloading dies                      541-808-2858
Electric cart,                                                                                541-297-4101
FREE 3x4’ garden window, 23 hp engine,                                 541-347-3891
Seattle Seahawk golf bag, creedal,                                             541-396-5173
50hp boat motor,                                                                         541-297-2904
Tires & wheels 10x16.5 from Ford pu,                                      541-756-2940
Aluminum Jet boat with motor & trailer, 1987 Samurai,           541-366-1121
Lot in Scottsburg on the river                                                     541-999-5126

Tuesday, March 28, 2017



1873 Baronet, 16’ garage door, telescope, dehumidifier,          541-808-7376
270 Rifle ammo,                                                                         541-297-8233
2 hens, 1 rooster, dvd movies, Dana 60 gear rear-end, carb,      541-294-6854
½ area lot off Oliver Barber, restored farm all cub tractor,        541-290-9940
Verity of ammo                                                                           541-404-9837
Washer & dryer, TV, recliner                                                     541-294-6253
FREE 3x4’ garden window, 23 hp engine,                                 541-347-3891
NEED wii yu                                                                              541-347-3891
Seattle Seahawk golf bag, creedal,                                             541-396-5173
50hp boat motor,                                                                         541-297-2904
Tires & wheels 10x16.5 from Ford pu,                                      541-756-2940
Aluminum Jet boat with motor & trailer, 1987 Samurai,           541-366-1121
Lot in Scottsburg on the river                                                     541-999-5126
NEED bids for a roof, pest terminator,                                       541-269-3956
Baby food maker,                                                                       541-269-3956
16” port holes,                                                                             541-290-1007
10 boxes of 33lp records, toastmaster, western movies              541-572-0729
Commercial compressor, uhf-vhf radio,                                     541-662-1349
Chevy truck, Harley seat, antique clock,                                    541-396-2599
Rag top for jeep wrangler,                                                          541-294-9503

Monday, March 27, 2017



Tiers & wheels 10x16.5 from Ford pu,                                      541-756-2940
Aluminum Jet boat with motor & trailer, 1987 Samurai,           541-366-1121
2 hens, 1 rooster, dvd movies, Dana 60 gear rear-end, carb,      541-294-6854
FREE 3x4’ garden window, 23 hp engine,                                 541-347-3891
Lot in Scottsburg on the river                                                     541-999-5126
NEED bids for a roof, pest terminator,                                       541-269-3956
Baby food maker,                                                                       541-269-3956
½ area lot off Oliver Barber, restored farm all cub tractor,        541-290-9940
16” port holes,                                                                             541-290-1007
10 boxes of 33lp records, toastmaster, western movies              541-572-0729
Commercial compressor, uhf-vhf radio,                                     541-662-1349
Chevy truck, Harley seat, antique clock,                                    541-396-2599
Rag top for jeep wrangler,                                                          541-294-9503

Friday, March 24, 2017


  1. 16k hitch bed of truck 5th wheel 400$ 5412949713
  2. ½ acre property off olive barber with well and septic and shop 130k$ 5412909940
  3. dvd movies 2$ dana 60 rear 200$ edelbrock carb and intake 200$ gold dgredge 2600$v 5412946854
  4. bayonet for a rifle 16ft garage door w remote 200$ telescope 30$ black lite 5$ 8087376

Thursday, March 23, 2017

KWRO Partyline Call Log 3/23/17

  1. ½ acre of fenced property 290-9940
  2. Used tires and wheels off Ford 1 ton pick up 35 inch tires 30% tread $150 OBO 756-2940
  3. 1873 socket bayonet / metal garage door $300 / telescope $30 / black light $5 808-7376
  4. EZ Lift hitch heavy duty $100 / round oak table 450 /290-5045
  5. 14 inch Grizzly band saw $300 297-0112
  6. Want High top van or camper van $1500 404-6694
  7. Jetboat for sale custom built $20,000 / Suzuki samurai $5000 366-1121
  8. Chevy S10 pick up with bad tranny will trade 396-2599
  9. 10 boxes of records / deluxe toast master / sink 572-0729
  10. Office chair $45 / Computer table $25 / Paper shredder $10 271-1885

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

KWRO Partyline Call Log 3/22/17

  1. Chevy S10 Pick up 4 wheel drive $1000 or trade 396-2599
  2. 2004 Honda CRV Stolen headed north Lic 782-HNJ report to police
  3. Water filtration system / Want cinderblocks 347-7185
  4. ½ acre of property for sale on Olive Barber road $130,000 call 290-9940
  5. Jet boat for sale with 460 engine and Hamilton pump $20,000 / Suzuki Samurai $5000 366-1121
  6. Want Number for 290-9688
  7. Bread maker $25 / Manual lawn mower $35 / cupboard for sale $50 396-3827
  8. gardener for hire Jeep to swap for motor home $4000 404-6545
  9. 1873 socket bayonet / metal garage door $300 / telescope / black light $5 808-7376
  10. Want a roofer must be licensed / bedroom set $550 269-3956
  11. Doggie door for sale $25 267-9525
  12. Gold coins for sale 1 oz. 756-0393
  13. 1989 Cadet boat $3000 / dual axel trailer $450 260-1618
  14. 4 boxes of reloadble brass $60 601-1120
  15. Want van with High top or camper van $1500 404-6694
  16. Pride victory electric 3 wheel scooter $450 294-7269
  17. time share in mexico 269-0952

Tuesday, March 21, 2017



1991 Jeep Wrangler, doing garden work                                    541-404-6545
NEED inconstant pads or briefs, blankets                                  541-266-0547
16” port holes,                                                                             541-290-1007
10 boxes of 33lp records, toastmaster, western movies              541-572-0729
½ area lot off Oliver Barber, restored farm all cub tractor,        541-290-9940
Large men’s clothing,                                                                 541-271-1885
DVD movies, Dana 60 gear rear-end, hubs, planting pots        541-294-6854
FREE piano with bench,                                                             541-808-0146
Commercial compressor, uhf-vhf radio,                                     541-662-1349
Chevy truck, Harley seat, antique clock,                                    541-396-2599
1990 Mercedes,                                                                           541-396-6016
Aluminum Jet boat with motor & trailer, 1987 Samurai,           541-366-1121
30’ aluminum ladders,                                                                541-260-3621
EZ lift hitch w/bars, coffee & end tables,                                   541-290-5045
Rag top for jeep wrangler,                                                          541-294-9503

Monday, March 20, 2017



Chevy truck, Harley seat, antique clock,                                    541-396-2599
1991 Jeep Wrangler,                                                                   541-404-6545
1873 Baronet, 16” metal garage door, telescope, black light     541-808-7376
10 boxes of 33lp records, toastmaster, western movies              541-572-0729
1990 Mercedes,                                                                           541-396-6016
Aluminum Jet boat with motor & trailer, 1987 Samurai,           541-366-1121
30’ aluminum ladders,                                                                541-260-3621
½ area lot off Oliver Barber, restored farm all cub tractor,        541-290-9940
EZ lift hitch w/bars, coffee & end tables,                                   541-290-5045
DVD movies, Dana 60 gear rear-end, hubs, elderbrock parts    541-294-6854
Rag top for jeep wrangler,                                                          541-294-9503
NEED 3 bedroom house for rent                                                541-260-4007
Vita mix, bread maker, lawn mower, kitchen cupboard,            541-396-3827
Iron removal system for well, doing odd jobs,                           541-347-7185
2001 Plymouth neon LX,                                                            541-267-2248
Set of Honda 205x75x R15 tires                                                 541-269-9012
Juicer,                                                                                          541-396-7274
Set of  265x75x16 tires,                                                              541-297-3177
124 cubic inch motorcycle motor,                                              541-290-8902
TD6 bulldozer, 2-Toyo tires, 1-Kelly LT tire,                            541-267-5784

Friday, March 17, 2017



Chevy truck, Harley seat, antique clock,                                    541-396-2599
1873 Baronet, 16” metal garage door, telescope, black light     541-808-7376
½ area lot off Oliver Barber, restored farm all cub tractor,        541-290-9940
10 boxes of 33lp records, toastmaster, western movies              541-572-0729
Lot off Cape Arago,                                                                    707-339-9539
NEED 3 bedroom house for rent                                                541-260-4007
2001 Plymouth neon LX,                                                            541-267-2248
Set of Honda 205x75x R15 tires                                                 541-269-9012
Juicer,                                                                                          541-396-7274
EZ lift hitch w/bars, coffee & end tables,                                   541-290-5045
303 empty brass                                                                          541-808-2858
DVD movies, Dana 410 gear rear-end, hubs, elderbrock parts  541-294-6854
Set of  265x75x16 tires,                                                              541-297-3177
124 cubic inch motorcycle motor,                                              541-290-8902
NEED workers for Small Vineyard                                            541-294-0371
Rag top for jeep wrangler,                                                          541-294-9503
Indoor outdoor lantern, canteen, bike helmet,                            541-271-1885
Aluminum Jet boat with motor & trailer, 1986 samurai,            541-366-1121
Double reclining love seat,                                                         541-396-3491
Rocking chair,                                                                             541-551-0278
TD6 bulldozer, 2-Toyo tires, 1-Kelly LT tire,                            541-267-5784
Iron removal system for well, doing odd jobs,                           541-347-7185
22’ Duckworth,                                                                           541-217-5889
1988 ¾ Ford 4x4 pick up,                                                           541-269-5862
1965 Ford Fairlane,                                                                     541-404-9331
Baja project,                                                                                541-808-1008

Thursday, March 16, 2017



EZ lift hitch w/bars, coffee & end tables,                                   541-290-5045
10 boxes of 33lp records, needing massager, western movies   541-572-0729
1873 Baronet, 16” metal garage door, telescope, black light     541-808-7376
Mobil home axles and tongues,                                                  541-808-4411
DVD movies, Dana 410 gear rear-end, hubs, elderbrock parts  541-294-6854
½ area lot off Oliver Barber, restored farm all cub tractor,        541-290-9940
Set of  265x75x16 tires,                                                              541-297-3177
124 cubic inch motorcycle motor,                                              541-290-8902
NEED workers for Small Vineyard                                            541-294-0371
Rag top for jeep wrangler,                                                          541-294-9503
Nissan truck, Harley seat, antique clock,                                    541-396-2599
Fiberglass canopy, according                                                      541-888-0846
Indoor outdoor lantern, canteen, bike helmet,                            541-271-1885
Aluminum Jet boat with motor & trailer, 1986 samurai,            541-366-1121
Double reclining love seat,                                                         541-396-3491
NEED a bantie hen,                                                                    541-290-8080
Rocking chair,                                                                             541-551-0278
TD6 bulldozer, 2-Toyo tires, 1-Kelly LT tire,                            541-267-5784
Iron removal system for well, doing odd jobs,                           541-347-7185
22’ Duckworth,                                                                           541-217-5889
1988 ¾ Ford 4x4 pick up,                                                           541-269-5862
1965 Ford Fairlane,                                                                     541-404-9331
Baja project,                                                                                541-808-1008
NEED high top van,                                                                    541-404-6694