- Garage/moving sale 850 Rachael Rd. in Lakeside 9-4 Friday & Saturday
- Golf clubs, bags and carts, Indian hoops, 541-271-1614
- Walker, antique radio, propane regulator 541-808-1092
- Shop vac, 541-808-1092
- family Garage sale 644 4Th St Myrtle Point
- Metal file cabinets, 8 hole GMC rim, 541-266-0547
- 1994 Buick La Saber 541-672-1832
- Miter saw, commercial compressor, 541-707-0722
- Dinning room table & chairs, full size bed, love seat/hide abed, 541-267-6983
- 1996 Dodge 2500 truck, 541-396-4104
- Easy lift sway bar, Dog carrier, handyman jack, 541-290-5045
- Wagon cart, silver item’s, 541-808-2115
- 2hp boat motor, 541-269-9289
- Chevy Suburban 541-269-9793 or 541-290-7804
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Partyline Call Log 4/30/15
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Partyline Call Log 4/29/15
- Walker, antique radio, propane regulator 541-808-1092
- Miter saw, commercial compressor, 541-707-0722
- 16’ Mallard travel trailer, Ozzy boats, tile machine, 541-404-8240
- 1996 Dodge 2500 diesel truck, 541-396-4104
- NEED 16-18’ enclosed cargo trailer, 541-290-8991
- House for rent in Hauser 541-808-8388
- NEED 19-20” flat screen TV, 605-440 0700
- Cook books, hot wheel collection, carpet cleaner, dresser, jewelry, 2 free cats 541-294-9212
- 2 exterior entry doors, 541-661-1358
- Straight 6 with other parts and wheels, wood chipper, 541-294-1173
- NEED 2001 Windstar parts, generator, carpet 541-260-4007
- Lamps, pictures, silver items 541-808-2115
- Rabbits, 541-982-9929
- FREE ski boat 541-290-7877
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Party Line April 28th 2015
1 808-1092 antique radio $20,
propane regulator $10, walker $6, Curtis Mathes console TV $35
2 404-3763 need flat top wood
3 396-4104 96 Dodge truck with
factory tow package $5750
4 551-1698 feed rollers to set
on sawhorses for woodworking
5 269-9793 or 290-7804 94 Suburban $900
6 572-0970 trampoline $1500,
kick boxing bag $125
7 267-3106 Love seat $50
8 808-8388 2bdrm house in Hauser
$400, Tercel 4WD $800
9 294-9212 cookbooks, hotwheels
collection, 1992 festiva parts & repair manual, carpet cleaner, dresser
& table, mahjong, jewelry, hand pump, comics & stamps, beanie babies. Walker $60, free cats
10 808-2115 many framed paintings
$30-$100, ships wheel $200, antiques & collectibles
Monday, April 27, 2015
Party Line April 27th 2015
1 808-1092 antique radio $20, shop vac
$10, FREE twin mattress, walker $10, propane regulator $10
2 269-9793 or
290-7804 1994 Chevy suburban $900
3 808-8388 house for rent in Hauser
4 396-4104 96 Dodge truck with factory
tow package $5750
5 672-1832 94 Buick LeSabre $3500
6 253-6125 2001 travel trailer $15,500
7 404-8852 Little giant ladder like
new $275
8 290-8991 2001 Chevy ¾ ton truck lots
of accessories $5800
9 206-1566 remote control for gas
powered planes, need help sewing
10 260-4007 need carpet remnants, needs
parts for minivan, needs dryer, needs generator w/button start, large pez
dispenser, baby clothes
11 267-6570 extra shake roofing
material, fully enclosed golf cart best offer
12 260-1776 1950s firestone cruiser
bicycle $75
13 294-9212 cookbooks, hotwheels
collection, 1992 festiva pats & repair manual, carpet cleaner, dresser
& table, mahjong, jewelry, hand pump, comics & stamps, beanie babies. Walker $60, free cats
14 217-7242 need wheels/hubs for quad
15 217-0376 infared heater w/remote $50
16 269-0952 orchard ladder 12' $200,
boots size 11 $50, paddle tires $200
17 808-2115 garage sale
Friday, April 24, 2015
Party Line April 24th 2015
1 808-1092 antique radio $20, walker $10, propane regulator $10,
need water heaters
2 888-3368 need female roommate for caretaker for elderly patient
3 751-1758 need auger type post hole digger
4 602-551-4427 Marble table & chairs $500
5 260-4007 big Pez, baby clothes, need winstar parts, also need
door for jeep, needs dryer
6 290-5045 dog carrier $30, 17" tires $20ea, sway bar for
travel trailer $25
7 294-9212 hot wheel collection, cookbooks, carpet cleaner,
furniture, jewelry, collector cards, mahjong, auto repair manual, festiva
parts, 2 cats free to good homes
8 396-4104 96 dodge truck with towing package $5750
9 267-7706 45 records maybe 1200 of them $1ea or bulk price
10 269-1343 moving
sale: shopsmith w/vacuum system $1500, upholstery sewing machine & table
$5000, 1999 5th wheel travel trailer $5000
11 756-3139 chevy
luv engine/trans/axles
12 297-2667 electric
start outboard motor $1400, need vinyl windows & glass front door and
clawfoot tub
13 661-1358 sony
receiver & 200CD player/speakers $150
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Party Line April 23rd 2015
707-0722 12”
miter saw $130, air compressor $1800
808-1092 Walker $15, propane
regulator $10, antique radio $20, need water heaters
347-3891 love
267-6930 Steam
iron $80, spotting scope $150, radio/CD player, oil drum $20, wire cage $15
269-9793 or 290-7804 94
Suburban $1000
396-2125 Coleman
Generator $150, mower $100
290-1007 flatbed
trailer $500, need indoor mirrors
396-4104 96
Dodge truck w/tow package $5750
269-9289 smoker
w/applewood chips $20
10. 396-3732 need 24-27’ travel
trailer $5000, Kawasaki Vulcan
11. 290-5045 dog carrier, need
work – odd jobs
12. 290-8902 cedar fence posts $4
13. 294-1173 93 ford explorer
$2500 & ford parts/tires/rims/engine, need rail trailer
14. 661-1358 Craftsman rear tyne
tiller low hours, cement mixer
15. 297-7989 2 skylights $100 for
16. 260-4743 need model A 28-31
17. 808-2115 wolf
blankets/posters, paintings, ships wheel
Monday, April 20, 2015
Party Line April 20th 2015
1 808-1092 antique
radio $25, free twin mattress, need 2 water heaters, new regulator $15
2 707-0722 air
compressor $1800, compound bow
3 404-8100 16'
smokercraft $1000
4 267-2288 vintage
decorative wood stove $250
5 396-5179 3
lambs (2f, 1m) $35ea.
6 294-3671 32"
TV, fly fishing gear, needs work
7 266-0547 file
cabinets, spare tire for GMC
8 269-1343 free
glass patio doors, cleaning the barn lots of gear
9 267-6930 steam
irom $80, spotting scope
Friday, April 17, 2015
Party Line April 17th 2015
- Antique Radio $30, Twin Mattress $25 808-1092
- Queen Mattress, odd jobs, 347-7185
- Zorrow 294-1316
- Metal Trampoline $150 572 0970
- 2001 Ultra lite limited Trailer $15,500 253 6125
- Brevile Juicer $100 396-4398
- Trumpet 756-3139
- Want self propelled lawn mower, Coquille, 605-440-0700
- Brown Eggs 756-3565
- Want mower 217-7074
- Blanket $65 – Puralite Water Filtration 217-7074
- Want Kennel for a puppy
- Want used lumber 260- 4007]
- 216 Straight size motor with tranny, 294-2503
- 1991 F150, 5 horse wood chipper 294-1173
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Party Line April 16th 2015
- Small refrigerator, antique radio FREE twin mattress 541-808-1092
- Miter saw, commercial compressor, 15 gallon fuel cell 541-707-0722
- NEED 50 gallon hot water heater tanks 541-808-1092
- Craftsmen mower, men’s & women’s bike, 541-290-5045
- 216 Straight six with tranny, NEED sand blasting 541-294-2503
- 1985 Chevy S10 race truck, 1997 Astro van for trade 4x4 541-260-9081
- Pedal boat, wind surf board, 541-290-1007
- Health bathroom scales, rain gear, cast iron tea pot 808-9098
- 32”TV, fly fishing pole 541-294-3671
- 12’ aluminum boat with trailer, ATV trailer, 541-217-9769
- Sears craftsmen’s mower, john deer mower, 541-404-4398
- FOUND Rott dog 541-269-1718
- 28 Bundles of #1 HEAVY shakes, 80 small fir trees 541-267-6570
- 2002 Corolla, 541-759-2166
- Medical oxygen tank w/ extras, cans of spray paint, military patches, propane stove, 541-269-9628
- Display 8’cabinet 541-269-9628
- 1994 La Saber, 2001 Ford ranger 541-672-1832
- Boise system, 541-808-2115
- YZ motorcycle, 454 motors, 427 motor, 454 heads, 541-808-0898
- 1972 Tops baseball collection, 1977 Comic books, 949-232-3693
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
- Small refrigerator, antique radio FREE twin mattress 541-808-1092
- Miter saw, commercial compressor, 15 gallon fuel cell 541-707-0722
- NEED 50 gallon hot water heater tanks 541-808-1092
- Craftsmen mower, men’s & women’s bike, 541-290-5045
- 216 Straight six with tranny, NEED sand blasting 541-294-2503
- 1985 Chevy S10 race truck, 1997 Astro van for trade 4x4 541-260-9081
- Pedal boat, wind surf board, 541-290-1007
- Health bathroom scales, rain gear, cast iron tea pot 541- 808-9098
- 32”TV, fly fishing pole 541-294-3671
- 12’ aluminum boat with trailer, ATV trailer, 541-217-9769
- Sears craftsmen’s mower, john deer mower, 541-404-4398
- FOUND Rott dog 541-269-1718
- 28 Bundles of #1 HEAVY shakes, 80 small fir trees 541-267-6570
- 2002 Corolla, 541-759-2166
- Medical oxygen tank w/ extras, cans of spray paint, military patches, propane stove, 541-269-9628
- Display 8’cabinet 541-269-9628
- 1994 La Saber, 2001 Ford ranger 541-672-1832
- Boise system, 541-808-2115
- YZ motorcycle, 454 motors, 427 motor, 454 heads, 541-808-0898
- 1972 Tops baseball collection, 1977 Comic books, 949-232-3693
Monday, April 13, 2015
Partyline Call Log 4/13/15
- Sears craftsmen’s mower, john deer mower, 541-404-4398
- Small refrigerator, antique radio FREE twin mattress 541-808-1092
- FOUND Rott dog 541-269-1718
- 28 Bundles of #1 HEAVY shakes, 80 small fir trees 541-267-6570
- 2002 Corolla, 541-759-2166
- Miter saw, commercial compressor, 15 gallon fuel cell 541-707-0722
- Medical oxygen tank w/ extras, cans of spray paint, military patches, propane stove, 541-269-9628
- Display 8’cabinet 541-269-9628
- Craftsmen mower, men’s & women’s bike, 541-290-5045
- 1994 La Saber, 2001 Ford ranger 541-672-1832
- Boise system, 541-808-2115
- YZ motorcycle, 454 motors, 427 motor, 454 heads, 541-808-0898
- 1972 Tops baseball collection, 1977 Comic books, 949-232-3693
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