Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Partyline Call Log 9/30/15

  1. ATV ramps, 2012 Switch back Harley exhaust, 16” ape hangers,                                         541-290-2488
  2. 2 Geo Metros,                                                                                                                         541-290-8902
  3. NEED generator,                                                                                                                     541-260-4007
  4. Lot’s of baby cloths,  wood dressers, freezer,                                                                        541-260-4007
  5. DR wood chipper,                                                                                                                   541-290-9940
  6. 1966 Chevy truck manual,                                                                                                     541-260-3129
  7. Found tackle box                                                                                                                     541-260-3129
  8. 1992 Chevy Pick up bed & tail gate                                                                                        541-373-5802
  9. 2 Lawn mowers,                                                                                                                      541-756-1434
  10. Cookie jar, clocks,                                                                                                                   541-808-1092
  11. NEED record player                                                                                                               541-808-1092
  12. 15’-16’ runabout  for trade                                                                                                      541-217-7242
  13. Estate sale, 7x7 tent & sleeping bags,                                                                                    541-808-2115

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Partyline Call Log 9/29/15

  1. Free Roosters                                                                                                                           541-347-3845
  2. RV garage door 10x14   541-267-3969                                                                                  541-297-4068
  3. 2 Boat motors,                                                                                                                         541-217-0979
  4. A dozen dry Logs                                                                                                                   541-347-3891
  5. 55” long coffee table,                                                                                                              541-756-5857
  6. Stolen pontoon boat, cord of fire wood                                                                                   541-290-5624
  7. DR wood chipper,                                                                                                                   541-290-9940
  8. Cookie jar, clocks,                                                                                                                   541-808-1092
  9. Atari arcade game                                                                                                                   541-510-1917
  10. NEED easy lift recliner, bible on CD disc,                                                                             483-446-5228
  11. 15’-16’ runabout  for trade                                                                                                     541-217-7242
  12. NEED room mate in Coquille                                                                                                 541-290-8549
  13. Estate sale                                                                                                                               541-808-2115

Partyline Call Log 9/28/15

  1. Cord of wood                                                                                                                           541-290-5624
  2. Stolen pontoon boat                                                                                                                541-290-5624
  3. 1999 Vulcan motorcycle, f 150 pick up,                                                                                 541-808-0898
  4. DR wood chipper,                                                                                                                  541-290-9940
  5. 1979 VW bug,                                                                                                                         541-290-5045
  6. NEED chickens                                                                                                                      541-551-0278
  7. NEED male dioxin                                                                                                                  541-551-5021 
  8. 4 packs of Heron                                                                                                                     541-269-9289
  9. 15” Fiberglass boat,                                                                                                                541-217-7242
  10. NEED 12.8 battery and charger, saddle bags,                                                                         541-396-2599
  11. Food grinder,                                                                                                                          541-396-2599
  12. Pellet stove                                                                                                                              541-396-5626
  13. Safety rails, 600 watt stereo, sheets, quilt,                                                                              541-269-3956
  14. House at Loon Lk, bar stools, bed liner, keyboard,                                                                541-271-1885
  15. NEED a wicker chair                                                                                                              541-271-1885

Friday, September 25, 2015

KWRO Partyline Call Log 9/25/15

  1. sandrail 290-3339
  2. Cord of wood $100 / stolen pontoon red in color 290-5624
  3. rent 1 bedroom house $500 plus deposit 269-3956
  4. Want heavy duty trailer to rent or borrow 396-4104
  5. DR woodchipper $2500 290-9940
  6. Deep freezer $50 OBO / Baby stuff / Boy pants / Conair foot bath / Fish lures 260-4007
  7. Coleman canoe with paddles and lifejacket $400 294-3099
  8. Fishtank 10 gal. with lots of goodies $20 / 2 studded tires $40 / Chiminy sweep $20 404-6694
  9. Want truckloads of dirt for fill / Want old electric stove 267-2288
  10. Original 1966 owners guide $20 / shower wand $10 / Phillips stereo $8 / Ethernet cable / filtration system $8 260-3129
  11. New picture window 2 3 foot sliders $275 396-6268
  12. Oster mixer $20 / want Lithium battery for RC car / Want saddle bag for Harley used 396-2599
  13. Want job 260-8215
  14. John Deere Crawler $24,000 / Suzuki Samurai 87 in excellent shape $5000 366-1121
  15. Chainsaw sharpener $65 756-4341
  16. Wetsuit 2 pc. 2x $50 297-7989
  17. Estate sale 808-2115
  18. Pole saws electric $40 / apt size fridge $20 / concrete block machine make offer 269-5862
  19. 2002 Jeep Wrangler Hard top with everything $14,000 / Lumber 269-0952

Thursday, September 24, 2015

  1. Myrtle Wood rounds,                                                                                                              541-217-0218
  2. 427 Chevy new motor, 1997 Cameo, chevy pick up parting out                                           541-808-0898
  3. 1bedroom house for rent,                                                                                                        541-269-3956
  4. Food grinder,                                                                                                                          541-396-2599
  5. NEED 12.8 battery and charger, saddle bags,                                                                         541-396-2599
  6. DR wood chipper,                                                                                                                  541-290-9940
  7. NEED easy lift chair                                                                                                               843-446-5228
  8. Set of 16x8 wheels, 8 truck wheels and tires,                                                                         541-297-3337
  9. Male geese and ducks,                                                                                                             541-347-3761
  10. NEED wooden file cabinet,                                                                                                     541-347-3761
  11. 350 complete Chevy engine, Chevy rally wheels,                                                                  541-396-2540
  12. Keyboard, black angus bull, mini donkey                                                                               541-297-1787
  13. NEED pasture,                                                                                                                         541-297-1787
  14. NEED 18’-20’ aluminum boat and trailer                                                                               541-982-0103
  15. NEED Rabbit or goat manure,                                                                                               541-271-3291
  16. House at Loon Lk, bar stools, bed liner, keyboard,                                                                541-271-1885

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Partyline Call Log 9/23/15

  1. Need trumpet,                                                                                                                          541-982-0129
  2. Baby stuff, dressers,                                                                                                               541-260-4007
  3. Stripper boat,  row boat, Polaris 500 quad                                                                              541-551-1564
  4. DR wood chipper,                                                                                                                  541-290-9940
  5. 10 gallon fish tank etc, 13” studded tires, chimney sweep brush                                            541-404-6694
  6. NEED refrigerator,                                                                                                                 541-347-3761
  7. 2001 Buick La saber                                                                                                                541-269-1718
  8. NEED British 303                                                                                                                   541-808-7376
  9. Estate sale, antiques,                                                                                                               541-808-2115
  10. NEED 12.8 battery and charger, saddle bags,                                                                         541-396-2599
  11. Motor home                                                                                                                            406-598-1052
  12. Fire wood                                                                                                                                 541-290-0729
  13. Aluminum Row boat, Baja 250 motorcycle,  comic books                                                   541-404-9733
  14. 1979 VW bug, chain saw parts                                                                                                541-290-5045
  15. NEED tractor                                                                                                                          541-290-5045
  16. Chain saw sharpener,                                                                                                               541-756-4341
  17. Giving a ride to La Grand if you need a ride                                                                          541-290-8549
  18. Keyboard,                                                                                                                                541-888-0846
  19. Little dog                                                                                                                                 843-446-5228
  20. NEED easy lift chair                                                                                                              843-446-5228

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Partyline Call Log 9/22/15

  1. Big garage sale for guys and gals 93368 Luscomb Lp.
  2. Motor home                                                                                                                             406-598-1052
  3. Fire wood                                                                                                                                541-290-0729
  4. Aluminum Row boat, Baja 250 motorcycle,  comic books                                                    541-404-9733
  5. DR wood chipper,                                                                                                                   541-290-9940
  6. 1979 VW bug, chain saw parts                                                                                                541-290-5045
  7. NEED tractor                                                                                                                           541-290-5045
  8. Chain saw sharpener,                                                                                                              541-756-4341
  9. Giving a ride to La Grand if you need a ride                                                                          541-290-8549
  10. Keyboard,                                                                                                                               541-888-0846
  11. Little dog                                                                                                                                 843-446-5228
  12. NEED easy lift chair                                                                                                              843-446-5228

Monday, September 21, 2015

Partyline Call Log 9/21/15

  1. NEED 303 British infield                                                                                                        541-808-7376
  2. Yard sale  890 Nut Wood Ave in Coos Bay                                                                          541-266-0547
  3. FREE Full size mattress                                                                                                          541-530-1316
  4. Canister set, wall clock,                                                                                                          541-808-1092
  5. 13” studded tires, chimney sweep brush,                                                                                541-404-6694
  6. NEED rental, pellet stove                                                                                                       541-396-5626
  7. Little dog                                                                                                                                 843-446-5228
  8. 1979 VW bug, chain saw parts                                                                                                541-290-5045
  9. Sawzall, wood table & chairs,                                                                                                 541-396-6379
  10. Fire wood,                                                                                                                                541-252-1125
  11. Elder block 4 barrel carb, 42” Sanyo TV                                                                               541-396-3920
  12. Bar stools, keyboard, bed liner 84x64, house by Loon Lk.                                                     541-271-1885
  13. NEED White whicker chair,                                                                                                   541-271-1885
  14. NEED 16” Tire & wheels for Volvo                                                                                       541-290-1140