- Ladies golf club set, night stands, hover vacuum, crab pots, small washing machine 541-271-2208
- 25 sun tans, 541-294-6756
- 5th wheel with slide, 1995 GMC diesel pick up, 541-290-5045
- 2007 Wildwood trailer, 541-404-8100
- 1985 Tercel, ATC 125, 541-808-8388
- 1988 F 150 pick up, 541-808-0898
- 2000 Windstar, dressers, baby stuff, printer, foot bath, 541-260-4007
- NEED lawnmower 541-217-7074
- Water cooler dispenser, water pipe filter, 541-217-7074
- Down trees for Firewood you cut & haul, iron filtration for well 541-347-7185
- 80cc Suzuki, 541-297-0697
- Storage unit of home furnishings 541-294-2767
- Set of 165 R13 tires on Honda wheels 541-551-0514
- NEED ¾ ton long box pick up 541-290-5045
- NEED 6-8 inch rock saw, easy lift chair, 843-446-5228
- Raspberry plants, 541-844-9321
- NEW easy troll plate for 50hp or above, complete HO train set with table and controls, 541-290-2488
- Go cart, mandolin, tiller, 2 Angus bulls 541-297-1787
- 1967 Ford, 541-253-7525
- 2 different Table saws, 1954 Chevy hub caps 541-290-6078
- 8 cemetery plots Ocean View 541-347-2829
- 2003 Low rider Harley Davidson 503-577-5938
Monday, February 29, 2016
Partyline Call Log 2/29/16
Friday, February 26, 2016
Partyline Call Log 2/26/16
- 1985 Tercel, ATC 125, 541-808-8388
- 1988 F 150 pick up, 541-808-0898
- 2000 Windstar, dressers, baby stuff, printer, foot bath, 541-260-4007
- Ladies golf club set, night stands, hover vacuum, crab pots, 541-271-2208
- NEED lawnmower 541-217-7074
- Water cooler dispenser, water pipe filter, 541-217-7074
- Down trees for Firewood you cut & haul, iron filtration for well 541-347-7185
- 80cc Suzuki, 541-297-0697
- Storage unit of home furnishings 541-294-2767
- Set of 165 R13 tires on Honda wheels 541-551-0514
- 5th wheel with slide, 1995 GMC diesel pick up, 541-290-5045
- NEED ¾ ton long box pick up 541-290-5045
- NEED 6-8 inch rock saw, easy lift chair, 843-446-5228
- Raspberry plants, 541-844-9321
- NEW easy troll plate for 50hp or above, complete HO train set with table and controls, 541-290-2488
- Go cart, mandolin, tiller, 2 Angus bulls 541-297-1787
- 1967 Ford, 541-253-7525
- 2 different Table saws, 1954 Chevy hub caps 541-290-6078
- 8 cemetery plots Ocean View 541-347-2829
- 2003 Low rider Harley Davidson 503-577-5938
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Partyline Call Log 2/25/16
- Set of 165 R13 tires on Honda wheels 541-551-0514
- 5th wheel with slide, 1995 GMC diesel pick up, 541-290-5045
- NEED ¾ ton long box pick up 541-290-5045
- NEED 6-8 inch rock saw, easy lift chair, 843-446-5228
- Raspberry plants, 541-844-9321
- NEW easy troll plate for 50hp or above, complete HO train set with table and controls, 541-290-2488
- Go cart, mandolin, tiller, 2 Angus bulls 541-297-1787
- 1967 Ford, 541-253-7525
- 2 different Table saws, 1954 Chevy hub caps 541-290-6078
- 8 cemetery plots Ocean View 541-347-2829
- 1988 F 150 pick up, 541-808-0898
- 2003 Low rider Harley Davidson 503-577-5938
- 1977 Double Wide Mobil, 541-808-5208
- Down trees for Firewood you cut & haul 541-347-7185
- Dutch oven, flat screen TV, King Size down comforter, Ladies Danner boots, 541-297-5033
- NEED 1998 Jeep Wrangler front fenders, wiper set up, 541-294-9713
- Cockatiel, 541-396-2599
- Antique lamp, lamp table, paintings, shed, 541-294-2767
- Stainless steel crab pots, 541-599-2247
- Ladies golf club set, 541-271-2208
- NEED wood stove 541-297-9878
- NEED bar stool, roll around office chair, flat screen TV 541-404-6694
- Antique sewing cabinet, toaster oven, food processor, stainless steel sink, 541-572-0729
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
EOTSC20160228 Mayor Contest and Salem Hunter rep
Enter the “If I were Mayor” contest.
Share your idea about what you would do as mayor!
Local winners are entered into the state contest for a chance
to win a NEW IPAD AIR 2 TABLET!!!
CONTEST DEADLINE: APRIL 29, 2016 To submit your entry, please
complete the form located on the City’s coosbay.org website
Help provide hunting access and improve wildlife habitat on
private land by serving on the Access and Habitat Board. ODFW
is recruiting for a Hunter Representative position on the
statewide Board and applications are due by Feb. 29, 2016.
Please contact Isaac Sanders at (503) 947-6087 for more info
Share your idea about what you would do as mayor!
Local winners are entered into the state contest for a chance
to win a NEW IPAD AIR 2 TABLET!!!
CONTEST DEADLINE: APRIL 29, 2016 To submit your entry, please
complete the form located on the City’s coosbay.org website
Help provide hunting access and improve wildlife habitat on
private land by serving on the Access and Habitat Board. ODFW
is recruiting for a Hunter Representative position on the
statewide Board and applications are due by Feb. 29, 2016.
Please contact Isaac Sanders at (503) 947-6087 for more info
Partyline Call Log 2/24/16
- 1988 F 150 pick up, 541-808-0898
- 2003 Low rider Harley Davidson 503-577-5938
- 1977 Double Wide Mobil, 541-808-5208
- Down trees for Firewood you cut 541-347-7185
- Dutch oven, flat screen TV, King Size down comforter, Ladies Danner boots, 541-297-5033
- NEED 1998 Jeep Wrangler front fenders, wiper set up, 541-294-9713
- Cockatiel, 541-396-2599
- Antique lamp, lamp table, paintings, shed, 541-294-2767
- Stainless steel crab pots, 541-599-2247
- Raspberry plants, 541-844-9321
- Ladies golf club set, 541-271-2208
- Go cart, mandolin, 541-297-1787
- NEED wood stove 541-297-9878
- 5th wheel with slide, 1995 GMC diesel pick up, 541-290-5045
- NEED bar stool, roll around office chair, flat screen TV 541-404-6694
- NEED rental coos bay , north bend area 541-290-6663
- Antique sewing cabinet, toaster oven, food processor, stainless steel sink, 541-572-0729
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
KWRO Partyline 02/23/16
- 2 Cockatiels 17 each 396-2599
- Vintage pink toilet with no seat $250 294-6122
- Roadmaster tow bar for car $150 / Battery for car $20 / Want poulon Chainsaw bar 20 to 24 inch 808-4411
- 02 5th wheel 27 foot by Keystone with big slide $11500 OBO / 95 Gmc pick up diesel 4 wd $4900 290-5045
- 12 foot drift boat $1000 OBO / stolen battery 396-1707
- 8 cemetery plots at Ocean view in coos bay 347-2829
- 16 foot smoker craft with 15 HP Honda $1500 404-8100
- Want office chair / want barstool / and flat screen tv 404-6694
- 2005 Car trailer $13500 541-297-2263
- 2 tablesaws $50 for both / 2 original sets of chevy hubcaps 290-6078
- Raspberry plants for sale $2 a bag 844-9321
- Storage sale / Carpets for sale / Pictures and frames for decoration 294-2767
- pair of tires performance tires toyo P235-45-18s 60 % tread $25 each / Kelley Tire for Pick up 35% tread $15 267-5784
- Set of 4 matching tires 165r-13s like new $80 for all 4 551-0514
- Elvis Record Collection 150 267-7706
- Box of 60 DVD movies $100 551-0514
Monday, February 22, 2016
Partyline Call Log 2/22/16
- Down trees for Firewood 541-347-7185
- Stainless steel crab pots, 541-599-2247
- 1988 F 150 pick up, 541-808-0898
- Raspberry plants, 541-844-9321
- Ladies golf club set, 541-271-2208
- Go cart, mandolin, 541-297-1787
- NEED wood stove 541-297-9878
- 5th trailer with slide, 1995 GMC diesel pick up, 541-290-5045
- NEED bar stool, roll around office chair, flat screen TV 541-404-6694
- NEED rental coos bay , north bend area 541-290-6663
- Antique sewing cabinet, toaster oven, food processor, stainless steel sink, 541-572-0729
- FREE tires, wheels, wood 541-294-4721
- NEED Honda, windows 7 desk top 541-756-2468
Friday, February 19, 2016
Partyline Call Log 2/19/16
- China cabinet, book case, pedestal table, set of Christmas China 541-808-2289
- NEED bar stool, roll around office chair, flat screen TV 541-404-6694
- NEED 6000 winch, 541-599-2247
- NEED trailer double axles, 541-808-4411
- Commercial upright freezer, piano 541-396-5789
- 1993 Buick 541-294-8639
- Flooring staples, freezer, #5 bolts, 541-808-0296
- 1992 Toyota pick up, 541-297-0171
- Ladies golf club set, 541-271-2208
- NEED arrows, raccoon trap 541-271-2208
- 500 plus red brick, oxygen tank with regulator 541-808-2858
- LOOKING for handyman work 541-260-0518
- 1988 F150, 541-808-0898
- Area rugs, framed paintings, 541-294-2767
- NEED cartilage tumbler 541-808-7376
- NEED approved wood stove 541-297-9878
- NEED baby heart rate doper 541-217-7777
- NEED easy lift chair 843-446-5228
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