Friday, April 28, 2017



Manufactured home 2 bed, 1 bath, couch, table & chairs          541-361-6138
Back Country tires 285/75/16, band saw, m/c helmet                541-290-2488
14’ fiberglass boat with trailer & outboard etc, moped              541-361-6138
Sewing machine, treadmill, 2007 Harley Softail                        541-290-2488
16” metal garage door                                                                 541-808-7376
De Walt air compressor, Chevy parts,                                        541-294-6854
NEED high top van or camper van, small 12V TV,                   541-404-6694
Marine radio, portable propane heater,                                       541-404-6694
4x6 pressure treated beams, large China cabinet, chest,            541-269-3956
2- Female sheep,                                                                         541-396-4500
Time share in Mexico for rent, with air flight                            541-269-0952
EZ lift hitch, round oak table, coffee table, washer                    541-290-5045
NEW Nikon lens 150x60mm,                                                    541-217-1328
Antique table & chairs, free handyman books, western 8 track 541-572-0729
Garden cart,                                                                                541-347-3891
14’ Aluminum boat with trailer and outboard etc,                     541-888-9188
Chevy parts, gold dredge,                                                           541-294-6854
Antique rocker/glider, end tables,                                               541-297-2026
NEED stainless steel prep table                                                  541-808-2388
1996 Nash RV,                                                                           541-290-4443
NEED night stands,                                                                    541-396-5035
Large desk,                                                                                 541-260-3641
Office chair, computer table, paper shedder,                              541-271-1885
Wireless home phones, computer keyboard, furnace filters,      541-269-0952
Set Honda wheels & tires                                                           541-217-0218
Ship wheel, 2009 Harley Heritage Soft tail, trailer frame          541-217-7242
Aluminum jet boat, Samaria soft top,                                         541-366-1121
Push mower, kitchen cupboard,                                                  541-396-3827
NEED round cloths rack                                                             541-396-5034

Thursday, April 27, 2017



EZ lift hitch, round oak table, coffee table, washer                    541-290-5045
NEW Nikon lens 150x60mm,                                                    541-217-1328
Antique table & chairs, free handyman books, western 8 track 541-572-0729
Garden cart,                                                                                541-347-3891
4x6 pressure treated beams, large China cabinet, chest,            541-269-3956
14’ Aluminum boat with trailer and outboard etc,                     541-888-9188
14’ fiberglass boat with trailer & outboard etc, Toro taro          541-361-6138
Time share in Mexico for rent, with air flight                            541-269-0952
Chevy parts, gold dredge,                                                           541-294-6854
Antique rocker/glider, end tables,                                               541-297-2026
Back Country tires 285/75/16, band saw, m/c helmet                541-290-2488
NEED stainless steel prep table                                                  541-808-2388
1996 Nash RV,                                                                           541-290-4443
NEED night stands,                                                                    541-396-5035
Large desk,                                                                                 541-260-3641
Office chair, computer table, paper shedder,                              541-271-1885
Wireless home phones, computer keyboard, furnace filters,      541-269-0952
Set Honda wheels & tires                                                           541-217-0218
Ship wheel, 2009 Harley Heritage Soft tail, trailer frame          541-217-7242
Aluminum jet boat, Samaria soft top,                                         541-366-1121
Push mower, kitchen cupboard,                                                  541-396-3827
NEED round cloths rack                                                             541-396-5034
16” garage door                                                                          541-808-7376

Wednesday, April 26, 2017



Chevy parts, gold dredge,                                                           541-294-6854
EZ lift hitch, round oak table, coffee table,                                541-290-5045
Antique rocker/glider, end tables,                                               541-297-2026
Back Country tires 285/75/16, band saw, m/c helmet                541-290-2488
NEED stainless steel prep table                                                  541-808-2388
1996 Nash RV,                                                                           541-290-4443
NEED night stands,                                                                    541-396-5035
Antique table & chairs, handyman books, western movies        541-572-0729
Large desk,                                                                                 541-260-3641
Office chair, computer table, paper shedder,                              541-271-1885
Wireless home phones, computer keyboard, furnace filters,      541-269-0952
Set Honda wheels & tires                                                           541-217-0218
Ship wheel, 2009 Harley Heritage Soft tail, trailer frame          541-217-7242
Aluminum jet boat, Samaria soft top,                                         541-366-1121
Push mower, kitchen cupboard,                                                  541-396-3827
NEED round cloths rack                                                             541-396-5034
16” garage door                                                                          541-808-7376

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

KWRO Partyline Call Log 4/25/17

  1. Want Toyota 4 wD pick up 217-0799
  2. EZ lift hitch / Round oak table 290-5045
  3. Used boat trailer 267-2565
  4. 4x6 inch pressure coated beams $175 for all / china cabinet $275 / round oak table $30 269-3956
  5. ½ acre property fenced with well and septic 290-9940
  6. Jet boat for sale $20,000 / Suzuki Samurai 87 with winch $5000 / parting out 91 Suzuki forerunner $400 366-1121
  7. 5 Yearling bulls and 1 heffer 266-7560
  8. Large office chair / computer table $20 / handheld paper shredder $10 271-1885
  9. Roll top desk $100 260-3641
  10. Hospital bed / table and chairs / exercise machine 297-2272
  11. time share in Puerto Vallarta Mexico Saturday to Saturday / reservation for flight to Mexico 269-0952
  12. 14 foot fiberglass boat with Evinrude motor $700 / tao toa moped $400 / kitchen table with chairs / end tables / kitchen counters $20 / set of golf clubs 361-6138

Monday, April 24, 2017

KWRO Partyline Call Log 4/24/17

  1. Fishing Boat with 10 HP outboard and trailer $1500 888-9188
  2. Want lumber 18X22 foot / want flatbed / 91 T top camaro to trade for truck / want tommy lift / cord of wood 808-4411
  3. Want scrap pick up / tires and rims 50-60 % left $20 / men’s bike / fiberglass boat / coil of copper tubing 217-7242
  4. Want house in Coos county with 2 or 3 bedroom 1000 to 1200 / half a load of madrone firewood 260-4007
  5. China Cabinet for sale 52x15x85 tall $275 269-3956
  6. History books by the author $3 each Remember when / can’t you hear the whistle blowing 217-7074

Friday, April 21, 2017



14’ Western boat & trailer with 10hp outboard                          541-888-9188
Landline home phones, computer keyboard, furnace filters,      541-269-0952
Fire wood,                                                                                   541-572-5205
De Walt air compressor, Chevy engine parts,                            541-294-6854
NEED house hold items and furniture,                                       541-260-4007
Back Country tires 285/75/16, treadmill, band saw                   541-290-2488
Firewood                                                                                     541-260-4007
16” garage door                                                                          541-808-7376
EZ lift hitch, round oak table, coffee table,                                541-290-5045
Antique table & chairs, handyman books, double sink              541-572-0729
Office chair, computer table, paper shedder,                              541-271-1885
Set Honda wheels & tires                                                           541-217-0218
Ship wheel, 2009 Harley Heritage Soft tail, trailer frame          541-217-7242
Aluminum jet boat, Samaria soft top,                                         541-366-1121
Push mower, kitchen cupboard,                                                  541-396-3827
NEED round cloths rack                                                             541-396-5034
427 Chevy engine, S10 pick up                                                  541-808-0898
Commercial compressor, transceiver,                                         541-662-1349
Set 16” studded tires, 9.5 Wes marine raft with outboard,         541-267-6908
12x20 portable garage, 24’ trailer frame, 15.5’ fiberglass boat, 541-217-7242
Student desk, 48” round oak table & chairs, chandelier,            541-404-8688
NEED 16” tires,                                                                          541-290-1140
Baby crib,                                                                                    541-982-4339
Wooden chair,                                                                             541-551-0278

Wednesday, April 19, 2017



EZ lift hitch, round oak table, coffee table,                                541-290-5045
Antique table & chairs, handyman books, double sink              541-572-0729
Office chair, computer table, paper shedder,                              541-271-1885
Back Country tires 285/75/16, treadmill, band saw                   541-290-2488
Wireless home phones, computer keyboard, furnace filters,      541-269-0952
Set Honda wheels & tires                                                           541-217-0218
Ship wheel, 2009 Harley Heritage Soft tail, trailer frame          541-217-7242
Aluminum jet boat, Samaria soft top,                                         541-366-1121
Push mower, kitchen cupboard,                                                  541-396-3827
NEED round cloths rack                                                             541-396-5034
16” garage door                                                                          541-808-7376
427 Chevy engine, S10 pick up                                                  541-808-0898
Commercial compressor, transceiver,                                         541-662-1349
Set 16” studded tires, 9.5 Wes marine raft with outboard,         541-267-6908
12x20 portable garage, 24’ trailer frame, 15.5’ fiberglass boat, 541-217-7242
Student desk, 48” round oak table & chairs, chandelier,            541-404-8688
NEED 16” tires,                                                                          541-290-1140
Baby crib,                                                                                    541-982-4339
Wooden chair,                                                                             541-551-0278

Tuesday, April 18, 2017



16” garage door                                                                          541-808-7376
427 Chevy engine, S10 pick up                                                  541-808-0898
Commercial compressor, transceiver,                                         541-662-1349
Set 16” studded tires, 9.5 Wes marine raft with outboard,         541-267-6908
12x20 portable garage, 24’ trailer frame, 15.5’ fiberglass boat, 541-217-7242
EZ lift hitch, round oak table, coffee table,                                541-290-5045
Student desk, 48” round oak table & chairs, chandelier,            541-404-8688
Antique table & chairs, handyman books, double sink              541-572-0729
NEED 16” tires,                                                                          541-290-1140
Baby crib,                                                                                    541-982-4339
Wooden chair,                                                                             541-551-0278
Recliner Couch                                                                           541-808-1146
Custom hunting knife,                                                                541-260-9908
½ area lot off Oliver Barber in Coos Bay                                   541-290-9940
NEED hay, and a pasture                                                            541-217-0799
Large roll top desk,                                                                     541-260-3641
Chevy engines, roller rocker, 4 barrel carb.                                541-294-6854
 Back Country tires 285/75/16, treadmill,                                  541-290-2488
Wheel chair,                                                                                541-269-3956
Chickens eggs for sale 541-269-9289 or                                    541-294-2395
Telescope, 10” Band saw on stand,                                            541-808-7376

Friday, April 14, 2017



Chevy S10, chevy engines                                                         541-808-0898
Telescope, 10” Band saw on stand,                                            541-808-7376
Recliner Couch                                                                           541-808-1146
NEED camper trailer,                                                                 541-808-1146
NEED furniture                                                                          541-260-4007
Like new Back Country tires LT 285/75/16, treadmill,              541-290-2488
Delta Ban saw,                                                                            541-290-2488
Wood working class Saturday at boast building center 10-2     541-759-4953
Dinning room table & chairs,                                                     541-572-0729
Custom hunting knife,                                                                541-260-9908
½ area lot off Oliver Barber in Coos Bay                                   541-290-9940
NEED hay, and a pasture                                                            541-217-0799
Large roll top desk,                                                                     541-260-3641
Chevy engines, roller rocker, 4 barrel carb.                                541-294-6854
Wheel chair,                                                                                541-269-3956
Chickens eggs for sale 541-269-9289 or                                    541-294-2395
4-16” chrome rims, slide in rubber maid tool box, car parts,     541-396-1599
NEED round garment rack,                                                        541-396-5035
Gem stones, jewelry, machinist box                                           541-590-0906
Handyman books, nurse books, western tapes, double sink       541-572-0729
Doggie door for a glass sliding door,                                         541-267-9525
Queen bed set                                                                              541-269-3956
Commercial compressor, transceiver,                                         541-662-1349

Thursday, April 13, 2017



Recliner Couch                                                                           541-808-1146
Custom hunting knife,                                                                541-260-9908
½ area lot off Oliver Barber in Coos Bay                                   541-290-9940
NEED hay, and a pasture                                                            541-217-0799
Large roll top desk,                                                                     541-260-3641
Chevy engines, roller rocker, 4 barrel carb.                                541-294-6854
 Back Country tires 285/75/16, treadmill, Harley Exhaust         541-290-2488
Wheel chair,                                                                                541-269-3956
Chickens eggs for sale 541-269-9289 or                                    541-294-2395
Telescope, 10” Band saw on stand,                                            541-808-7376
4-16” chrome rims, slide in rubber maid tool box, car parts,     541-396-1599
NEED round garment rack,                                                        541-396-5035
Gem stones, jewelry, machinist box                                           541-590-0906
Handyman books, nurse books, western tapes, double sink       541-572-0729
Doggie door for a glass sliding door,                                         541-267-9525
Queen bed set                                                                              541-269-3956
Commercial compressor, transceiver,                                         541-662-1349

Wednesday, April 12, 2017



Telescope, 10” Band saw on stand,                                            541-808-7376
NEED hay, and a pasture                                                            541-217-0799
4-16” chrome rims, slide in rubber maid tool box, car parts,     541-396-1599
½ area lot off Oliver Barber in Coos Bay                                   541-290-9940
Large roll top desk,                                                                     541-260-3641
Back Country tires 285/75/16, treadmill, Harley Exhaust          541-290-2488
NEED round garment rack,                                                        541-396-5035
Gem stones, jewelry, machinist box                                           541-590-0906
Handyman books, nurse books, western tapes, double sink       541-572-0729
Doggie door for a glass sliding door,                                         541-267-9525
Queen bed set                                                                              541-269-3956
Commercial compressor, transceiver,                                         541-662-1349
Pair of 245/75/r16 tires,                                                              541-269-9289
NEED 12’ cargo trailer, transfer tank for pick up                      541-269-9289

Tuesday, April 11, 2017



10” Band saw on stand,                                                              541-808-7376
Back Country tires 285/75/16, treadmill, Harley Exhaust          541-290-2488
Doggie door for a glass sliding door,                                         541-267-9525
Handyman books, nurse books, western tapes, double sink       541-572-0729
Queen bed set                                                                              541-269-3956
Commercial compressor, transceiver,                                         541-662-1349
Pair of 245/75/r16 tires,                                                              541-269-9289
NEED 12’ cargo trailer, transfer tank for pick up                      541-269-9289
Band saw, 14x66 Mobil home,                                                   541-290-2488 
NEED someone to do yard work,                                               541-396-6325
Walker with seat,                                                                        541-808-1146
Yamaha dirt bike, washer & dryer, freezer, EZ lift hitch           541-290-5045
NEED round garment rack,                                                        541-396-5035
Office chair, computer table, paper shedder,                              541-271-1885
NEED 2-3 bedroom rental,                                                         541-260-4007
Cell phone, 50hp merc outboard,                                                541-297-2904
16’ metal garage door                                                                 541-808-7376
Rear tine tiller,                                                                            209-627-7518
½ area lot off Oliver Barber in Coos Bay                                   541-290-9940
2 bedroom home for sale                                                            541-217-8553
Aluminum Jet boat with trailer, Suzuki Samurai                       541-366-1121