Friday, March 7, 2025


2 water filters for a frigidare galery 15 5412905249 97 ford f150 looking for an atomatic truck choper motercycle banks batmobile rc 20 tazmanian devil floor mats 50 total gyme pro 50 invacare bed assistance rail 125 5412908387 looking for fastgun tiedowns 5412905742 2 home made quilts twin 15 full 20 pinwheels ceramic tiles 5307966532 fifth wheel trailer hitch 23000 lbs pull $500 OBO blonde hardwood dining table white frame legs $150 OBO 12 foot sectonal sofa reclining love seat 800 oak doulbe drop leaf table $100 OBO jewelry armoire, $100 free flower pots 541-756-2116 four baby schnauzers, two months old on tuesday one boy, three girls. black and white, boy brown ears 541-269-7653 $700 looking for a scooter 4 wheels small freezer for sale trailer for a 4 wheel 2604007 Key FOB 2001 Ford Ranger, can work with other vehicles do research comes with repair manual from ford pickup, asking $60 for both Table, older, good shape, reinforced, used indoors, 5ftx2ftx2ft $30 tools, USA wrenches, craftsman, assorted etc $80 dirt devil, easy & lite HEPA filter $15 free exercise bike, stationary bike coffeemaker, mr. coffee w/ filters 4 cup black and decker mini chopper, elec john deere clock, works like new includes collector cards comic books and collector cards silver rings starting at $30 two hide-a-matt's unfolds, metal frames incl. $100 collection of hot wheels cases posters etc bulk hot wheels $210 snoopy poster, snoopy toys 541-252-0929 1984 bronco 7000 exta parts for the bronco 5417513529

Thursday, March 6, 2025


fifth wheel trailer hitch 23000 lbs pull $500 OBO blonde hardwood dining table white frame legs $150 OBO reclining love seat 800 oak doulbe drop leaf table $100 OBO jewelry armoire, $100 541-756-2116 walk in cooler cork boots size 10 541-290-8913 32 foot silverstreak travle trailer 3000 5412909940 16 foot glass ply boat 4000 obo 5418880846 97 ford f150 long bed manual 4500 stes tazmanian devil mats total gym pro bat mobile rc car 15 5412908387 tires 31 10 for good years 150 5417515698 Key FOB 2001 Ford Ranger, can work with other vehicles do research comes with repair manual from ford pickup, asking $60 for both Table, older, good shape, reinforced, used indoors, 5ftx2ftx2ft $30 tools, USA wrenches, craftsman, assorted etc $80 dirt devil, easy & lite HEPA filter $15 free exercise bike, stationary bike coffeemaker, mr. coffee w/ filters 4 cup black and decker mini chopper, elec john deere clock, works like new includes collector cards comic books and collector cards silver rings starting at $30 two hide-a-matt's unfolds, metal frames incl. $100 collection of hot wheels cases posters etc bulk hot wheels $210 snoopy poster, snoopy toys 541-252-0929 stainless steal table 3 teir plating toale speed rack wire rack bus cart 10 full sheet pans class cake stands food saver propane burner carpet cleaner 5412947975 kenmor washer and dryer refridger 9255652028 looking for tin roofing or siding 5412902538

Wednesday, March 5, 2025


frount of a studabaker toro lawn mower 5412603105 1976 silver streak travle trailer just a shell 3000 5412909940 20" vizio sound bar needs power cable 10 stuffed animals 25 2 home made quilts 5307966532 1987 for f150 less 100k miles 5412600360 moving sale for more information call or text 5418088187 fifth wheel trailer hitch 23000 lbs pull $500 OBO blonde hardwood dining table white frame legs $150 OBO 15 in tire chains, multiple sizes $25 OBO oak doulbe drop leaf table $100 OBO jewelry armoire, $100 541-756-2116 tires 15 inch 20% tred 150 5417515698 1oz liberty coins 5417560393 guinipig cage diy full box of timathy hay 5412171615 hot water heater on demand 50 6 foot cross cut saw with a pain 2908840

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


adult electric scooter 541-260-4007 industrial bakery tables and plating station 12 sheet pans 10 3 tire plaing station 300 speed rack 60 wire racks 40 bus cart 3 glass cake stans 45 propain burner 2 pressur cooker 100 for 2 541-294-7975 please text chicken coop 541-290-8913 fifth wheel trailer hitch 23000 lbs pull $500 OBO blonde hardwood dining table white frame legs $150 OBO 15 in tire chains, multiple sizes $25 OBO oak doulbe drop leaf table $100 OBO jewelry armoire, $100 541-756-2116 tires 311050 good years 150 7515698 1oz liberty coins 5417560393 looking large wheel walker 70 feet of patio lights, $15 elliptical bike $40 rubber boat, $40 no paddles, good shape used once tv trays, functionable not beautiful ISO bookshelves, ISO 2-3 sewing machine kenmore, barter/trade 541-252-0075

Monday, March 3, 2025


fifth wheel trailer hitch 23000 lbs pull $500 OBO blonde hardwood dining table white frame legs $150 OBO 15 in tire chains, multiple sizes $25 OBO oak doulbe drop leaf table $100 OBO jewelry armoire, $100 756-2116 4 puppies 5412697653 free canapy for a pickup 2 30 gallon aquariums and heaters and food 10 2944787 84 full size bronko 7000 5417513529 1 oz gold liberty coins 5417560393 20 30 per cent tread 200 5417515698 large entertainment center with doors 100 5412522702 dehidrater 3 feet by 4 feet chevy mags 100 5418088263