Friday, October 30, 2015

Partyline Call Log 10/30/15

  1. Lazyboy chairs                                                                                                                        541-572-0729
  2. Table & chairs, chickens,                                                                                                       541-267-7844
  3. 2001 Ford escape, stove(wood stove looking)                                                                        541-290-5045
  4. Wood stove,                                                                                                                            541-267-7844
  5. Seasoned myrtle fire wood                                                                                                      541-297-3177
  6. 350 engine with a 350 tranny,                                                                                                541-396-2540
  7. Fir barn wood 1x15x26                                                                                                           541-290-8902
  8. LOOKING for a job                                                                                                                541-260-8215
  9. NEED stove pipe                                                                                                                    541-294-4787
  10. NEED someone to repair block wall                                                                                      541-269-0952
  11. 2002 Jeep wrangler                                                                                                                 541-269-0952
  12. NEED Winchester                                                                                                                  541- 808-7376
  13. Miter saw, vac, dresser,                                                                                                          541-271-2208
  14. Caveman camper, 541-662-1457  or                                                                                       541-662-1767
  15. NEED burn barrels                                                                                                                 541-396-4122
  16. NEED treadmill                                                                                                                       541-551-0278
  17. Water filters, tool dollies, work bench,                                                                                   541-269-9628
  18. NEED wood,                                                                                                                           541-808-4411
  19. Table saw,                                                                                                                                541-551-0832
  20. Treadmill, large bird cage                                                                                                      541-297-5033
  21. NEED kitchen stove,                                                                                                               541-756-4770
  22. New Corbin motorcycle seat,                                                                                                 541-290-8902
  23. 8-10 rolls 3&4 wiring                                                                                                            541-294-4656
  24. NEED twin mattress set                                                                                                         541-671-0562
  25. Computer soldering repair kit, commercial compressor,                                                        541-662-1349
  26. Coquille Eagles Halloween Party ages 3-12 free October 31
  27. Artificial Christmas tree                                                                                                          541-551-1809
  28. Depth finder/GPS, 541-756-4477  or                                                                                     541-297-2804
  29. 2007 Bear Element compound bow                                                                                       541-599-2247
  30. NEED fenders for small trailer                                                                                               541-290-9940
  31. JVC subwoofer, speakers,                                                                                                       541-396-2599
  32. NEED 7 gal propane tank, mobility scooter                                                                          541-404-6694
  33. 13” Studded tires                                                                                                                     541-404-6694
  34. NEED cell phone                                                                                                                    541-551-0278

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