Monday, July 31, 2017



Canning jars,                                                                               541-294-0986
NEED dog house,                                                                       541-294-4787
Hay for sale, 2005 1 ton Ford diesel                                           541-306-8282
FREE water cooler,                                                                    541-260-1618
Willis’ Knight                                                                             541-587-4228
Jeep tranny, 1988 farm truck                                                      541-269-5862
Hutch,                                                                                         541-294-9684
Dog houses                                                                                 541-551-0514
Pressure washer, arc welder, pool table, craftsmen tools           541-260-4353
Cemetery plot,                                                                            541-217-0371
NEED someone to cut and buy hay,                                          541-347-2234
NEED twin bed, refrigerator,                                                     541-217-7074
NEED 3 bedroom home,                                                            541-260-4007
Large men’s clothing,                                                                 541-271-1885
1997 Honda EX, shower enclosure                                            541-707-0715
NEED Honda 4-wheeler                                                             541-297-5018
35 foot Alumalite 5th wheel / Ford truck $8000                          541-404-7969
Sofa with recliners on the ends $100                                        541-396-6402
600 Records $250                                                                   541-347-3891
Heavy duty bracket $50 / in Ground fire pit & red bricks $50  541-290-9940
Pelican brand peddle boat $75                                                541-290-1744
VCR and VHS tapes $100 / 2 stereo receivers $200                 541-396-2599
2005 Suburban loaded $3900 / love seat $20 / California king 541-290-5045
Want 2 bedroom to rent in Coquille for around $450 / Mobile home for sale in Reedsport or trade                                                                  541-361-6138
Want used stove pipe                                                            541-396-3448
3 printer cartridges $20                                                           541-347-3891
Mirror for Silverado Standard folding $30                                541-294-3121
2000 Nash 5th wheel $10995                                                     541-808-2858

Friday, July 28, 2017


  1. 35 Foot 92 alumalite 5th wheel $9000 2-5 this week / 2004 ford / want 1 ton Chevy 404-7969
  2. Framed Mirror $15 / 3 paddle tires $15 / 808-0416
  3. Want black smith anvil 572-2236
  4. 93 Valco 90 HP boat with trailer 551-0956
  5. Cargo carrier $350 / estate sale 9-3 in Millington 425-870-0413
  6. Wheels and tires metric standard size $350 / leveling kit $40 / 94 Nissan Maxima $700 260-5050
  7. 16 foot panel garage door $300 / 808-7376
  8. Cover for Dodge pick up $150 / bike shimino $250 / Suburban 05 290-5045
  9. Free item / old fashioned ice box $125 888-3309
  10. 1921 Industrial Singer sewing machine needs new drive belt $300 / 1922-23 Willis night touring car $11,000 587-4228
  11. Stihl Cement mixer on wheels $125 / Whirlpool upright Freezer $100 / Couch 7 foot $125 396-4104
  12. King size beauty rest $350 / yard sale tomorrow 8-4 S. of Langlois 290-8542
  13. Nothing over ten bucks birthday bear, Slimer plush $8 / nerf football Oregon ducks 271-1885
  14. Antique wicker set $350 260-0833
  15. Want tall toilet for donation / want carpet remnants / want used fridge / want twin size bed mattress and box spring / 217-7074

Thursday, July 27, 2017


  1. 35 foot 92 Alumalite 5th wheel $9000 / 2004 Ford pick up $8000 / want 1 ton Chevy 404-7969
  2. VHS and VCRs make offer 396-2599
  3. 95 ford Van automatic / Gibson boat with 307 808-0898
  4. Cutting saddle Make offer / size large men’s chinks / 8x2 foot manure spreader made out of cedar 269-0952
  5. Jeep Transmission $50 / 88 ford ¾ ton $1500 269-5862
  6. Microwave $75 / Stand for microwave $75 / Craftsman Toolbox $15 290-2488
  7. 2005 Suburban 4 WD $3900 / California King bed $100 / love seat $20 / pressure washer $150 290-5045
  8. Want to board 2 horses 756-5038
  9. 8 foot fence posts / bundled firewood 808-4411
  10. Whirlpool upright freezer $100 / $125 Cement mixer 396-4104

Wednesday, July 26, 2017


  1. Jeep Transmission / 88 Ford ¾ ton pick up 6 cyl engine $1500 269-5862
  2. right hand mirror for Silverado $35 260-9908
  3. Alumalite 5th wheel with 2 slide outs $9000 404-7969
  4. 4 to 500 VHS tapes / 2 VCRs 396-2599
  5. 2005 Suburban new tires leather interior and CD player seats 8 $3500 / Freezer $50 / pressure washer $250 / bed with bedframe $50 Trade for trailer  290-5045
  6. Want help with mechanically inclined person for some classic vehicles 404-9331
  7. Boat anchor 18 lb. $15 / 2 CB antennas $5 756-4770
  8. Whirpool upright Freezer $100 / steel cement mixer 396-4104
  9. 09 Harley Davidson Road king $9500 971-8784
  10. Office Chair $40 / Massage pad $15 / solid wood chair 271-1885
  11. 2 doghouses for sale $20 each for Med dogs 551-1517

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


  1. King size beauty rest pillow top $400 290-8542
  2. Gazebo new in the box $200 / 4 wheel walker $50 396-3993
  3. Puppies for sale $200 for 3 543-7854
  4. Planters for sale call for sizes and pricing 297-9199
  5. Jeep transmission out of an 84 $50 / 88 ¾ ton pick with haul package $1500 269-5862
  6. 8 lug 16 inch alloy tires / leveling kit $40 / Want LTR 250 rolling chas 260-5050
  7. Clay Planters 294-6756
  8. Adjustable cane $19 / Thermometer $19 271-1885

Monday, July 24, 2017



2005 Suburban, cal. King bed, love seat, freezer,                      541-290-5045
Dog houses                                                                                 541-551-1517
Free chairs, Boom box, head phones, pod speaker,                   541-271-1885
Jeep tranny, 1988 pick up,                                                          541-269-5862
Hay for sale, 2005 1 ton Ford diesel                                           541-306-8282
Willis car, industrial sewing machine,                                        541-587-4228
King size bed,                                                                             541-290-8542
Ford wheels & tires,                                                                   541-260-5050
1999Honda Accord, dryer,                                                         541-294-1467
Framed mirror, sand shark paddle tires                                      541-808-0416
5 on 5 bolt pattern wheels, Vulcan motorcycle, Ford van,         541-808-0898
NEED 3-bedroom home and everything to go in it,                   541-260-4007
3-piece living room set,                                                              541-756-4880
1991 T Top Camero                                                                    541-808-4411
Box scraper, cargo box, bee hive equipment                              541-297-3337
Cutting saddle, men’s chinks, manure spreader ,                       541-269-0952
Van                                                                                              541-297-2924
High performance motorcycles,                                                  541-290-8902
NEED twin bed set, refer, camping equipment                          541-217-7074
NEED help replacing wood inside boat                                      541-347-3891
16” metal garage door, large mailbox,                                        541-808-7376
Pressure washer, arc welder, pool table, craftsmen tools           541-260-4353
Cemetery plot,                                                                            541-217-0371
Pressure washer, Cal. King bed, 2005 Chevy Suburban,           541-290-5045
Yamaha Grizzly,                                           541-572-2679  or  541-290-8954
Cigar box, aluminum windows,                                                  541-260-4007
Hay in the field,                                                                          541-396-5386 
Planters,                                                                                      541-297-9199
Hutch,                                                                                         541-294-9684
1988 Honda Nighthawks, recliners,                                           541-404-7969

Friday, July 21, 2017



Willis car, industrial sewing machine,                                        541-587-4228
5 on 5 bolt pattern wheels, Vulcan motorcycle, Ford van,         541-808-0898
Hay for sale, 2005 1 ton Ford diesel                                           541-306-8282
NEED 3-bedroom home and everything to go in it,                   541-260-4007
3-piece living room set,                                                              541-756-4880
Framed mirror, sand shark paddle tires                                      541-808-0416
1991 T Top Camero                                                                    541-808-4411
Box scraper, cargo box, bee hive equipment                              541-297-3337
Cutting saddle, men’s chinks, manure spreader ,                       541-269-0952
Van                                                                                              541-297-2924
High performance motorcycles,                                                  541-290-8902
NEED twin bed set, refer, camping equipment                          541-217-7074
Dog houses                                                                                 541-551-0514
NEED help replacing wood inside boat                                      541-347-3891
16” metal garage door, large mailbox,                                        541-808-7376
Boom box, head phones, pod speaker,                                       541-271-1885
Pressure washer, arc welder, pool table, craftsmen tools           541-260-4353
Jeep tranny, 1988 Ford ¾ farm truck                                          541-269-5862
Cemetery plot,                                                                            541-217-0371
Pressure washer, Cal. King bed, 2005 Chevy Suburban,           541-290-5045
Yamaha Grizzly,                                           541-572-2679  or  541-290-8954
Cigar box, aluminum windows,                                                  541-260-4007
Hay in the field,                                                                          541-396-5386 
Planters,                                                                                      541-297-9199
Hutch,                                                                                         541-294-9684
1988 Honda Nighthawks, recliners,                                           541-404-7969

Thursday, July 20, 2017



5 on 5 bolt pattern wheels, Vulcan motorcycle, Ford van,         541-260-8720
Dog houses                                                                                 541-551-0514
Hay for sale, 2005 1 ton Ford diesel                                           541-306-8282
NEED help replacing wood inside boat                                      541-347-3891
16” metal garage door, large mailbox,                                        541-808-7376
Boom box, head phones, pod speaker,                                       541-271-1885
Framed mirror, paddle tires                                                        541-808-0416
Pressure washer, arc welder, pool table, craftsmen tools           541-260-4353
Jeep tranny, 1988 Ford ¾ farm truck                                          541-269-5862
Cemetery plot,                                                                            541-217-0371
Pressure washer, Cal. King bed, 2005 Chevy Suburban,           541-290-5045
Box scraper, cargo box, bee hives,                                             541-297-3337
Yamaha Grizzly,                                           541-572-2679  or  541-290-8954
NEED 3-bedroom home and everything to go in it,                   541-260-4007
Cigar box, aluminum windows,                                                  541-260-4007
Hay in the field,                                                                          541-396-5386 
Planters,                                                                                      541-297-9199
Hutch,                                                                                         541-294-9684
1988 Honda Nighthawks, recliners,                                           541-404-7969

Wednesday, July 19, 2017



5 on 5 bolt pattern wheels, Virago motorcycle, Ford van,         541-808-0898
Jeep tranny, 1988 Ford ¾ farm truck                                          541-269-5862
Pressure washer, arc welder, pool table, craftsmen tools           541-260-4353
Cemetery plot,                                                                            541-217-0371
Hay for sale, 2005 1 ton Ford diesel                                           541-306-8282
Yamaha Grizzly,                                           541-572-2679  or  541-290-8954
Framed mirror,                                                                            541-808-0416
NEED 3-bedroom home and everything to go in it,                   541-260-4007
Cigar box, aluminum windows,                                                  541-260-4007
Hay in the field,                                                                          541-396-5386 
Planters,                                                                                      541-297-9199
Hutch,                                                                                         541-294-9684
1988 Honda Nighthawks, recliners,                                           541-404-7969
Small flatbed pull trailer, 1986 Ford ranger,                              541-751-1758
3-piece living room set,                                                              541-756-4880
2-bedroom Mobil home, bike, banjo, lose weight machine,      541-361-6138
Canning jars,                                                                               541-294-0986
NEED dog house,                                                                       541-294-4787
FREE water cooler,                                                                    541-260-1618
Willis’ Knight                                                                             541-587-4228
Dog houses                                                                                 541-551-0514
NEED someone to cut and buy hay,                                          541-347-2234
NEED twin bed, refrigerator,                                                     541-217-7074
NEED 3 bedroom home,                                                            541-260-4007
Large men’s clothing,                                                                 541-271-1885
1997 Honda EX, shower enclosure                                            541-707-0715
NEED Honda 4-wheeler                                                             541-297-5018

Tuesday, July 18, 2017



5 on 5 wheels, Virago motorcycle, Ford van,                             541-260-7720
Computer desk,                                                                           541-808-1146
Jeep tranny, 1988 Ford ¾ farm truck                                          541-269-5862
1988 Honda Nighthawks, recliners,                                           541-404-7969
Small flatbed pull trailer, 1986 Ford ranger,                              541-751-1758
Hay for sale, 2005 1 ton Ford diesel                                           541-306-8282
3-piece living room set,                                                              541-756-4880
2-bedroom Mobil home, bike, banjo, lose weight machine,      541-361-6138
Pressure washer, arc welder, pool table, craftsmen tools           541-260-4353
Cemetery plot,                                                                            541-217-0371
Canning jars,                                                                               541-294-0986
NEED dog house,                                                                       541-294-4787
FREE water cooler,                                                                    541-260-1618
Willis’ Knight                                                                             541-587-4228
Hutch,                                                                                         541-294-9684
Dog houses                                                                                 541-551-0514
NEED someone to cut and buy hay,                                          541-347-2234
NEED twin bed, refrigerator,                                                     541-217-7074
NEED 3 bedroom home,                                                            541-260-4007
Large men’s clothing,                                                                 541-271-1885
1997 Honda EX, shower enclosure                                            541-707-0715
NEED Honda 4-wheeler                                                             541-297-5018

Monday, July 17, 2017



Canning jars,                                                                               541-294-0986
NEED dog house,                                                                       541-294-4787
Hay for sale, 2005 1 ton Ford diesel                                           541-306-8282
FREE water cooler,                                                                    541-260-1618
Willis’ Knight                                                                             541-587-4228
Jeep tranny, 1988 farm truck                                                      541-269-5862
Hutch,                                                                                         541-294-9684
Dog houses                                                                                 541-551-0514
Pressure washer, arc welder, pool table, craftsmen tools           541-260-4353
Cemetery plot,                                                                            541-217-0371
NEED someone to cut and buy hay,                                          541-347-2234
NEED twin bed, refrigerator,                                                     541-217-7074
NEED 3 bedroom home,                                                            541-260-4007
Large men’s clothing,                                                                 541-271-1885
1997 Honda EX, shower enclosure                                            541-707-0715
NEED Honda 4-wheeler                                                             541-297-5018