Thursday, November 30, 2017



Electric typewriter, commercial compressor,                             541-662-1349
New Budweiser mugs, cases of oil, tire chains, die cast cars     541-913-1624
2004 Harley Davidson, tools, spare tire carrier                          541-913-1624
FREE 25 blank cassettes                                                             541-396-6250
Packs of CD’s, 250 gallon fuel                                                   541-396-6250
NEED driver side window1999 Ford Ranger                             541-260-3129
NEED someone to top trees,                                                       541-347-7185
Loveseat recliner,                                                                        541-759-2166 Chickens                                                                                     541-290-0049
NEED igloo dog house, old radio                                               541-290-0049
VCR movies,                                                                              541-396-2599
NEED wood stove                                                                      541-404-8100                                                                                                                
2004 Windstar, 1989 Nissan Pathfinder                                     541-297-8234
Baby ginnie pigs                                                                         541-294-1705
Roils of R12 insulation, 42 inch ceiling fan,                              541-559-1018
½ acre lot on Oliver Barbra Rd.w/ shop, well & septic              541-290-9940
Commercial compressor, computerized type writer,                  541-662-1349
Earth stove,                                                                                 541-808-0339
Coquille Eagles in Coquille at the community building             541-396-4456
Victorian Christmas tea Saturday  Coquille                               541-808-4777
Moving sale, Shore Pines Mobil Park on Ocean Blvd.             
1998 Chevy van, 350 Chevy heads,                                           541-260-7720
Welding set up, arch welder, 10 ton power points,                    541-267-6564
LT 250 R, RM 250 engine                                                          541-260-5050
Wood burning stove,                                                                   541-572-5315
50 foot 220 extension cord,                                                        541-294-4787
1989 Truck, CB Honda 900, Chevy van                                    541-260-7720
FREE Kenmore range, Ford wheels & tires                               541-347-3891
Piano,                                                                                          541-808-7376
NEED 5 lug Chevy stock 55-57 wheels                                     541-913-1624
17’ Coleman canoe, hitch, cricket for scrape booking               541-294-9713
Samaria, jet boat with trailer, 24’ trailer                                     541-366-1121
300 gallon fuel tank, 20 gallon water heater,                              541-396-6250
FREE 50 gallon water heater                                                      541-396-6250
NEED pavers & bricks,                                                              541-662-0643
Set of 2 Wild Country tires, 275/70/R18                                    541-396-4104

Tuesday, November 28, 2017



New Budweiser mugs, cases of oil, tire chains,                         541-913-1624
NEED folks to do caroling                                                         541-404-7969
Roils of R12 insulation, 42 inch ceiling fan,                              541-559-1018
½ acre lot on Oliver Barbra Rd.w/ shop, well & septic              541-290-9940
Commercial compressor, computerized type writer,                  541-662-1349
Earth stove,                                                                                 541-808-0339
Coquille Eagles in Coquille at the community building             541-396-4456
Victorian Christmas tea Saturday  Coquille                               541-808-4777
Moving sale, Shore Pines Mobil Park on Ocean Blvd.             
NEED driver side window1999 Ford Ranger                             541-260-3129
1998 Chevy van, 350 Chevy heads,                                           541-260-7720
2004 Harley Davidson, tools, spare tire carrier                          541-913-1624
Welding set up, arch welder, 10 ton power points,                    541-267-6564
LT 250 R, RM 250 engine                                                          541-260-5050
Wood burning stove,                                                                   541-572-5315
50 foot 220 extension cord,                                                        541-294-4787
Chickens                                                                                     541-396-4147
1995 Chevy van, oak dinning table & chairs,                             541-271-1885
1989 Truck, CB Honda 900, Chevy van                                    541-260-7720
FREE Kenmore range, Ford wheels & tires                               541-347-3891
Piano,                                                                                          541-808-7376
NEED 5 lug Chevy stock 55-57 wheels                                     541-913-1624
17’ Coleman canoe, hitch, cricket for scrape booking               541-294-9713
Samaria, jet boat with trailer, 24’ trailer                                     541-366-1121
300 gallon fuel tank, 20 gallon water heater,                              541-396-6250
FREE 50 gallon water heater                                                      541-396-6250
NEED pavers & bricks,                                                              541-662-0643
Set of 2 Wild Country tires, 275/70/R18                                    541-396-4104
1991 Suburban,                                                                           541-808-7772
Washer                                                                                        541-329-9300
Wicker set, entertainment center,                                               541-260-0833
2002 Ford 4x4 diesel,                                                                 541-396-2248
Welding set up, sand blaster, freezer,                                         541-297-6857
NEED 4x4 truck,                                                                        541-294-4363 
NEED help going to the dump with freezer                               541-347-2829
NEED national geographic magazines                                       541-396-4122
Dresser                                                                                        541-267-7706 

Monday, November 27, 2017



Moving sale, Shore pines Mobil Park on Ocean Blvd.             
NEED driver side window1999 Ford Ranger                             541-260-3129
1998 Chevy van, 350 Chevy heads,                                           541-260-7720
2004 Harley Davidson, cases of oil, tire chains, tools,               541-913-1624
Welding set up, arch welder, 10 ton power points,                    541-267-6564
LT 250 R, RM 250 engine                                                          541-260-5050
Wood burning stove,                                                                   541-572-5315
50 foot 220 extension cord,                                                        541-294-4787
Chickens                                                                                     541-396-4147
1995 Chevy van, oak dinning table & chairs,                             541-271-1885
1989 Truck, CB Honda 900, Chevy van                                    541-260-7720
FREE Kenmore range, Ford wheels & tires                               541-347-3891
Piano,                                                                                          541-808-7376
NEED 5 lug Chevy stock 55-57 wheels                                     541-913-1624
½ acre lot on Oliver Barbra Rd.w/ shop, well & septic              541-290-9940
17’ Coleman canoe, hitch, cricket for scrape booking               541-294-9713
Samaria, jet boat with trailer, 24’ trailer                                     541-366-1121
300 gallon fuel tank, 20 gallon water heater,                              541-396-6250
FREE 50 gallon water heater                                                      541-396-6250
NEED pavers & bricks,                                                              541-662-0643
Set of 2 Wild Country tires, 275/70/R18                                    541-396-4104
1991 Suburban,                                                                           541-808-7772
Washer                                                                                        541-329-9300
Commercial compressor, computerized type writer,                  541-662-1349
Wicker set, entertainment center,                                               541-260-0833
2002 Ford 4x4 diesel,                                                                 541-396-2248
Welding set up, sand blaster, freezer,                                         541-297-6857
NEED 4x4 truck,                                                                        541-294-4363 
NEED help going to the dump with freezer                               541-347-2829
NEED national geographic magazines                                       541-396-4122
Dresser                                                                                        541-267-7706 
Saw mill, 1974 Honda trail 90, range finder                              541-267-8445

Wednesday, November 22, 2017



50 foot 220 extension cord,                                                        541-294-4787
Chickens                                                                                     541-396-4147
NEED driver side window1999 Ford Ranger                             541-260-3129
1995 Chevy van, oak dinning table & chairs,                             541-271-1885
1989 Truck, CB Honda 900, Chevy van                                    541-260-7720
FREE Kenmore range, Ford wheels & tires                               541-347-3891
Piano,                                                                                          541-808-7376
NEED 5 lug Chevy stock 55-57 wheels                                     541-913-1624
Cable tire chains, spare tire carriers, cases of oil, tools,             541-913-1624
½ acre lot on Oliver Barbra Rd.w/ shop, well & septic              541-290-9940
17’ Coleman canoe, hitch, cricket for scrape booking               541-294-9713
Samaria, jet boat with trailer, 24’ trailer                                     541-366-1121
300 gallon fuel tank, 20 gallon water heater,                              541-396-6250
FREE 50 gallon water heater                                                      541-396-6250
NEED pavers & bricks,                                                              541-662-0643
1998 Chevy van, 350 Chevy heads,                                           541-260-7720
Set of 2 Wild Country tires, 275/70/R18                                    541-396-4104
1991 Suburban,                                                                           541-808-7772
Washer                                                                                        541-329-9300
LT 250 R, RM 250 engine                                                          541-260-5050
Commercial compressor, computerized type writer,                  541-662-1349
Wicker set, entertainment center,                                               541-260-0833
2002 Ford 4x4 diesel,                                                                 541-396-2248
Welding set up, sand blaster, freezer,                                         541-297-6857
NEED 4x4 truck,                                                                        541-294-4363 
NEED help going to the dump with freezer                               541-347-2829
NEED national geographic magazines                                       541-396-4122
Dresser                                                                                        541-267-7706 
Saw mill, 1974 Honda trail 90, range finder                              541-267-8445
Moving trailers                                                                          

Tuesday, November 21, 2017



FREE Kenmore range, Ford wheels & tires                               541-347-3891
NEED 5 lug Chevy stock 55-57 wheels                                     541-913-1624
Cable tire chains, spare tire carriers, cases of oil, tools,             541-913-1624
½ acre lot on Oliver Barbra Rd.w/ shop, well & septic              541-290-9940
17’ Coleman canoe, hitch, cricket for scrape booking               541-294-9713
Samaria, jet boat with trailer, 24’ trailer                                     541-366-1121
300 gallon fuel tank, 20 gallon water heater,                              541-396-6250
FREE 50 gallon water heater                                                      541-396-6250
NEED pavers & bricks,                                                              541-662-0643
1995 Chevy van, oak dinning table & chairs,                             541-271-1885
1998 Chevy van, 350 Chevy heads,                                           541-260-7720
Set of 2 Wild Country tires, 275/70/R18                                    541-396-4104
1991 Suburban,                                                                           541-808-7772
Washer                                                                                        541-329-9300
LT 250 R, RM 250 engine                                                          541-260-5050
Commercial compressor, computerized type writer,                  541-662-1349
Wicker set, entertainment center,                                               541-260-0833
2002 Ford 4x4 diesel,                                                                 541-396-2248
Welding set up, sand blaster, freezer,                                         541-297-6857
NEED 4x4 truck,                                                                        541-294-4363 
NEED help going to the dump with freezer                               541-347-2829
NEED national geographic magazines                                       541-396-4122
Dresser                                                                                        541-267-7706 
Saw mill, 1974 Honda trail 90, range finder                              541-267-8445
Moving trailers                                                                           541-294-3380
FREE box spring, dishes,                                                           541-808-1146
NEED 16’ chain link gate,                                                          541-551-5021
2003 Dodge Dakota truck,                                                          541-572-2956
Table chairs, computer, toaster wave oven, Prowler trailer       541-294-9212
Maytag stove, Maytag freezer,                                                   541-217-4711
NEED insulation R19,                                                                541-269-9012
1974 Honda trail 90,                                                                   541-294-1351
35’ 5th wheel,                                                                              541-404-7969
NEED 4x4x6 fright container,                                                    541-756-2372
Antique oak bed,                                                                         541-662-0643
Washer& Dryer                                                                           541-329-2181
Volkswagen parts, 1999 Toyota Tacoma,                                  541-294-4363

Monday, November 20, 2017



Cable tire chains, spare tire carriers, cases of oil, tools,             541-913-1624
NEED 5 lug Chevy stock 55-57 wheels                                     541-913-1624
1998 Chevy van, 350 Chevy heads,                                           541-260-7720
½ acre lot on Oliver Barbra Rd.w/ shop, well & septic              541-290-9940
Washer                                                                                        541-329-9300
1995 Chevy van, oak dinning table & chairs,                             541-271-1885
LT 250 R, RM 250 engine                                                          541-260-5050
Commercial compressor, computerized type writer,                  541-662-1349
Wicker set, entertainment center,                                               541-260-0833
FREE Kenmore range,                                                                541-347-3891
2002 Ford 4x4 diesel,                                                                 541-396-2248
Welding set up, sand blaster, freezer,                                         541-297-6857
Set of 2 Wild Country tires, 275/70/R18                                    541-396-4104
NEED 4x4 truck,                                                                        541-294-4363 
NEED help going to the dump with freezer                               541-347-2829
NEED national geographic magazines                                       541-396-4122
Dresser                                                                                        541-267-7706 
Saw mill, 1974 Honda trail 90, range finder                              541-267-8445
Moving trailers                                                                           541-294-3380
FREE box spring, dishes,                                                           541-808-1146
NEED 16’ chain link gate,                                                          541-551-5021
2003 Dodge Dakota truck,                                                          541-572-2956
Table chairs, computer, toaster wave oven, Prowler trailer       541-294-9212
Maytag stove, Maytag freezer,                                                   541-217-4711
NEED insulation R19,                                                                541-269-9012
1974 Honda trail 90,                                                                   541-294-1351
35’ 5th wheel,                                                                              541-404-7969
Samaria, jet boat with trailer, 24’ trailer                                     541-366-1121
NEED 4x4x6 fright container,                                                    541-756-2372
Antique oak bed,                                                                         541-662-0643
Washer& Dryer                                                                           541-329-2181
Volkswagen parts, 1999 Toyota Tacoma,                                  541-294-4363